Where are we?

  • We have appointed a sustainability officer who is responsible for overseeing all sustainability-related documentation and training
  • We are prioritising the use of sustainable materials, reducing waste through and optimising our energy consumption by using energy-efficient lighting, HVAC systems, and equipment in our warehouse and office space
  • We are aligning our business practices with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including Goal 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production, Goal 13 - Climate Action, Goal 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth, and Goal 10 - Reduced Inequalities
  • We are committed to transparently reporting on our progress and sharing our sustainability journey with our customers and stakeholders
  • We are actively tracking our progress

 Environmental Sustainability

Our team is educated and trained to always suggest fabrics and materials that are not harmful to the environment. We work with suppliers who offer sustainable materials, such as consumer recycled plastic material (PCR), pre-consumer industrial plastic waste (PIR), factories who use wood that is FSC® C114358 certified, water-based coatings and avoid working with factories if they use halogenated flame retardants (HFR) and bisphenol A (BPA) plastics and chromium.

  • Consumer recycled plastic material (PCR)

  • Pre-consumer industrial plastic waste (PIR)

  • FSC® C114358 certified wood

  • Water-based coatings 

  • Halogenated flame retardants (HFR) 

  • Bisphenol A (BPA) plastics 

  • Chromium


Wood, as a material, is durable and well-known in the furniture industry. T​​he wood we use:

  • Comes from legal and sustainable sources under EUTR - European Union Timber Regulation;
  • Is primarily FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified and comes from forests of controlled felling that are regularly reforested, thus favouring that our forests remain alive;
  • Can be recycled and reused several times, for example for further wood productions or other industrial applications;
  • At the end of its life, being an organic material, it can naturally regenerate thus planting new trees.


By employing recycled metals, we actively contribute to the principles of a circular economy, wherein materials are reintroduced into the production cycle, diminishing the demand for newly extracted resources and minimising waste output. This approach aligns with our overarching sustainability objectives, fostering a symbiotic relationship between design and the environment.

Additionally, we extend our commitment to sustainability to our choice of fixings. We carefully select fixings that can either be minimally used or, ideally, reused in the future. This consideration ensures that our products maintain their integrity throughout their lifecycle, further reducing their environmental footprint.

None of our products contain Chromium or any other environmentally-harmful substance and our proud to say that our products are created with durability, recyclability and in respect of the environment.


Under the EU Ecolabel requires minimal or non-use of pesticide chemicals on sheep farms verified through testing or audits. There are stringent limits for the level of pollutants in effluent water discharged by scouring facilities where the raw wool is initially washed; this is measured by what is known as COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand). Heavy metal lead based pigments in polypropylene textiles are restricted under the criteria so we avoid fabrics that contain it. 

This label also means polyester fibres are coming from recycled origin such as recycled plastic drinks bottles or those that contain minute levels of the heavy metal antimony catalyst, less than 260 ppm (parts per million). There are then further criteria to establish minimum percentages of either post-consumer or post-industrial recycled fibre sources or VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) emissions from fibre production.

Fabrics containing fibres from plants such as flax and hemp can be certified if they meet requirements for the “retting” process so we favour using them as long as their impact on the environment is minimal. 

Another standard we use for our fabrics is Oeko-Tex® Standard 100. A wide selection of our fabrics are Oeko-Tex 100 certified including our 100% recycled polyester.


Plastic is not fantastic! Most of our products are available in recycled plastic. Because of this reason, some of our plastic products might have small, barely visible, imperfections, but we feel it’s more important not to harm the environment further. 

Our dedication to sustainability extends to our avoidance of virgin plastic. Instead, we opt for recycled plastic sources, contributing to a reduction in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions associated with plastic production.

We are also resolute in steering clear of single-use plastics, opting for alternative materials that align with our sustainability goals. Our commitment extends to responsible disposal practices, ensuring that any plastic used in our products is properly recycled or repurposed.


We embrace a Cradle to Grave approach, meticulously considering every aspect of a product's lifecycle. Material health is paramount in our selection process, ensuring that our materials are not only of high quality, but also environmentally conscious from the outset.

Furthermore, we prioritise material reutilisation, designing products with the end in mind. This means that when a product reaches the end of its life, our clients have the assurance that they can contact us. We stand ready to facilitate responsible recycling, offering guidance on the proper disposal of each component. Our Cradle to Grave design philosophy not only minimises waste but also underscores our commitment to a circular economy.

Social Responsibility

We believe that true sustainability encompasses not only environmental stewardship but also a commitment to social well-being. In line with this belief, we have integrated our business practices with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This includes our dedication to Goal 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production, where we strive to minimise waste and promote efficient use of resources.

Additionally, our adherence to Goal 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth, ensures that our business operations promote fair labour practices and economic advancement, fostering a healthy and thriving workforce.

We actively engage with non-profit organisations and charities, working hand-in-hand to address pressing issues. Through collaborative efforts, we support initiatives that make a tangible difference in areas such as education, healthcare, environmental conservation, and community development. Our employees are enthusiastic participants in these endeavors, volunteering their time and expertise to amplify our impact. We believe in the power of collective action, and by assisting non-profits and charities, we aim to foster a culture of positive change. 


Our approach to governance is characterised by a culture of continuous learning and responsible leadership. Our managers undergo constant education and receive ongoing training in the latest and best sustainability practices. This ensures they are equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of sustainable business. What sets us apart is our dedication to disseminating this knowledge throughout the entire team. 

Through a process of cascading, our enlightened managers serve as beacons, illuminating the path for every member of our organisation. This means that at every juncture of our operations, sustainability is not merely a concept but a lived reality, woven into the very fabric of our decision-making and actions. By fostering a culture of informed and conscientious leadership, we are not only shaping a sustainable future for our business but also contributing to a more resilient and thriving planet for generations to come. 

Join us!

We believe that sustainability is not just a buzzword or a marketing ploy - it is a way of life that we all need to embrace if we want to create a better future for ourselves and future generations. We are committed to taking bold action to reduce our impact on the environment, and we hope to inspire others to join us on this journey. By working together, we can create a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

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